Floreo Blog

Add Floreo to your summer school or camp curriculum!

Written by Heather | May 12, 2022

For any teachers or schools who haven't tried Floreo yet, summer is a great time to do it!  Add almost 200 immersive, engaging experiences to your summer curriculum. A summer school or summer camp roll out is a great way to get familiar with Floreo before implementing it in your larger classroom in the fall!

Starting at $750 per classroom, reach out to us to learn more details about our summer school program.

If you already have Floreo and are interested in discussing best practices for deploying Floreo in a summer school or camp setting, we would love to set up some time to discuss logistics with you! Contact us.

New Partnerships


A warm welcome to our newest partners: Montera, Inc. (CA) and Ad Astra Behavior Analytic Services (CA). We look forward to helping you serve the needs of your clients and communities!

Are you ready to join the Floreo family? We would love to discuss implementation in your school, district, or practice!

Upcoming Events


Let us know if you plan to attend any of these upcoming events! We would love to schedule time to meet with you!

May 14: Floreo's Director of Therapy Content, Rita Solórzano MA CCP-SLP, will provide an Innovative Technologies Demonstration Session on Mobile Virtual Reality Skill Building for Autism Spectrum Disorder at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting

May 19: Our friends at Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities are attending the OACB 2022 Spring Conference in Columbus, OH. This is a conference for all 88 Ohio County Boards of DD. They will have information on Floreo and would love to discuss their Floreo experience with you!

May 28-30: Meet members of the Floreo team at the ABAI Annual Convention in Boston. 

We hope to see you soon!

Grant update

Attention Schools and Districts in Texas: All Texas local education agencies are eligible to apply for grant funding to increase their capacity to implement innovative programs that effectively serve students with autism ages three through 21. It is a great time to implement Floreo in your district, school, or regional center with the help of this grant! Let us know how we can help support your efforts to secure funding through this grant.

Research study opportunity
Our partners at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia are recruiting participants for a compensated survey about autism and police. Please consider participating or sharing with others who might be interested!

What have we been reading this week?