Floreo Blog

Floreo at Meta's fall Teacher Pop-Ups!

Written by Heather | October 13, 2022

Members of our team had a chance to share Floreo at the first fall event for Meta's invite-only #MetaTeacherPopUps series to demonstrate how Floreo can turbocharge special education for the neurodiverse. We were grateful to get to meet so many passionate, innovative educators. Let us know if you plan to be at the Brooklyn pop-up on October 16 or the Naperville, IL pop-up on November 6. We would love to meet you! Special thanks to Meta for the invitation to participate in these fun events.


Watch one attendee's on-the-ground experience as they toured the entire event!


Spotlight on a Floreo lesson

Are you getting into the fall spirit? If your Learner will be participating in Trick-or-Treating this Halloween, get them prepared for the experience by playing our Trick-or-Treat lesson. Your Learner can practice a routine to understand what to expect when Trick-or-Treating, as well as social skills like remembering to say "Please" and "Thank you" when requesting candy.

To make things extra fun, have your Learner dress up in their favorite costume and have the Coach place a piece of real candy in their hand or bag during the lesson. Floreo character Emma is dressed up in her Halloween costume too!

Find the Trick-or-Treat lesson in the Community & Daily Living or the Infrequent Events skill categories. Or read more about it and all of the lessons in our library. We would love to hear how it helped your Learner!

Self Care Corner

Marsha Stepensky, MS.Ed, BCBA, is a Content Producer at Floreo. She suggests incorporating self-care into your daily (or more often!) routine and has some ideas to help you do that. Marsha has some suggestions:

Self-Care. It’s hard to escape hearing about it or seeing the hyphenated word plastered on a skin care or health foods window display. Glancing through social media, you would get the impression that self-care equates to a luxurious spa day, a $17 organic acai bowl, or a last minute trip to the Caribbean to “disconnect.”

The reality is self-care does not need to be expensive, extravagant, or time-consuming. We all know the positive benefits in caring for ourselves, we hear people talk about, and we know we should practice it – but actually doing self-care can feel like an exhausting task. Yes indeed, caring for ourselves is more easily said than done. For too often we push self-care to the very end of our to-do list; a to-do list so long, it was probably written by Tolstoy himself. I’m guilty of it too. I own three mindfulness reflection journals and have written nothing in none of them (I ended up converting one of them into a work notebook). Read more.

Recent Events

Floreo Founder/CEO, Vijay Ravindran, and General Counsel, Denise Garcia, along with a group from the Digital Therapeutics Alliance including representatives from Pear Therapeutics and Akili visited Capitol Hill recently to meet with lawmakers about transforming global healthcare by advancing digital therapeutics. It was a wonderful opportunity to share more about the ways that solutions like Floreo can help improve patient outcomes. 

Floreo also recently participated in a DTXEast conference, a digital therapeutics industry event to discuss the digital evolution of healthcare. It is a great forum to learn the latest from subject matter experts, industry leaders and to spread the word of the great things happening at Floreo. 

Funding ideas

We know that budgets can be tight and we want to help get Floreo into the hands of anyone who needs it! If we can help write up your DonorsChoose application (teachers) or provide information for a grant you have identified (anyone!) please let us know.

What have we been reading this week?