Floreo Blog

Happy birthday to Floreo!

Written by Heather | February 22, 2024

Floreo turned eight years old this week! It is hard to believe that we have grown from just an idea that VR could be a powerful tool for teaching hard-to-teach skills into a platform with 200+ lessons. We are proud that Floreo has positively impacted the lives of thousands of Learners and Coaches in schools, therapy, and at home. 

We remain committed to building evidence-based, research-backed experiences and making important services more accessible and affordable. In 2024, we're excited to release new lessons covering a wide range of topics, from water safety and navigating doctor's office visits to enhancing conversational skills, understanding boundaries and personal safety, managing emotions in real-life scenarios, and cultivating friendships. Stay tuned for some exciting new environments and aged-up characters too!

Eight is going to be great!

Educational Opportunity


Floreo's Clinical Support and Training Specialist, Liz Pascual, MS, BCBA, will present on March 6 at 12pm Eastern / 9am Pacific. This opportunity is designed to help you plan to implement Floreo into your current programming -- from the perspective of a former Floreo customer, now Floreo employee! Register here.

Please register even if you can't join live! All registrants will receive the recording.