Floreo Blog

Stay in shape over the holidays! | Floreo | VR learning tools

Written by Heather | November 17, 2021

As we head into the holiday season and all the (hopefully fun!) chaos that entails, help keep your Learner classroom ready by playing Floreo! Our School Social lessons offer opportunities to practice interactions in the classroom and school cafeteria, so your Learner won't miss a beat when they head back to in-person school. Work on small talk, joining a conversation, introducing peers to one another, and even practice recognizing and responding to bullying in a safe, repeatable school environment. Our lessons can help set your Learner up for success in a school setting.

It is a great time to start talking about how Floreo can fit into your 2022 plans. Contact us to speak with a member of our team about the needs of your school district or therapy practice and how we can work with you to benefit your students, clients, and community!

New Partnerships

A warm welcome to our newest partners: Seacoast Speech & Language (NH) and Nassau Suffolk Services for Autism (NY). We look forward to helping you serve the needs of your clients and community!

Are you ready to join the Floreo family? We would love to discuss implementation in your school, district, or practice!

Floreo in the news
Author, Floreo advisor and our Lead Self Advocate, Sam Farmer, was featured on The Autism Weekly podcast to talk about his experience navigating the workplace.

Check out the podcast! And don't forget that Sam has been running a special deal on his book A Long Walk Down a Winding Road  to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of its release. Get the reduced the purchase price for the Kindle e-book edition or the paperback edition from now through the end of November.

In case you missed it: we just released our new Impulse Control skill category! In these new classroom lessons, the Learner practices impulse control by raising a hand before answering a question and otherwise refraining from calling out or correcting other students. With one lesson set in a brand new kindergarten classroom environment with adorable new characters, and one set in the familiar Floreo classroom environment, there are lots of new opportunities for Learners of all ages to practice!

Find these new lessons once you have the latest version of Floreo! If you haven't yet had a chance to download the latest version of Floreo, you can find it in the iOS app store by clicking this link. If you have Floreo rental equipment, make sure to turn it on, connect it to WiFi and let the update download before opening the app.

If you haven't yet subscribed, we would love to discuss subscription options with you. And if you or your staff would like to talk through the new content or any of the changes we've recently made, please set up time to speak to a member of our team!

Medicaid update
Are you in Maryland, Wisconsin, Washington DC, or New York state? Reach out to us about Medicaid-based Floreo solutions.

Research study opportunity
Our partners at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia are recruiting participants for a compensated survey about autism and police. Please consider participating or sharing with others who might be interested!

What have we been reading this week?