Floreo Blog

Floreo to help transition back to school! | Floreo | VR learning tools

Written by Heather | August 11, 2021

Stay tuned for our upcoming August content release with new lessons in our School Social skill category! As your children, students, and clients head back to school this fall, we think these lessons will help with the transition: especially for kiddos who have spent much of the past year participating in remote learning. Some Learners will benefit simply from the opportunity to feel what a school environment feels like (classrooms, hallways, cafeterias). Then, practice social norms, discuss appropriate behavior in the classroom, learn classroom routines, practice interactions in the school cafeteria, and talk about what to expect in a school setting with your Learner!

We would love to hear what other school related lessons would be helpful for your Learner!

Tools & Tips


Did you know that performing a hand-eye coordination task after using VR can help your Learner to re-acclimate to "real life" more quickly?

The purpose of the hand-eye coordination tasks is to give Learners an opportunity to readjust their eyes to a 3D environment. These tasks should be regularly within the Learner’s capability since this is probably a difficult time to try to teach them something new. The task should be enjoyable to the Learner, something they might choose to do as a leisure task. Some suggestions we have are:

  • Playing basketball, bowling, ping pong
  • Bean bag toss game
  • Keeping a balloon in the air (balloon volleyball)
  • Puzzle, Rubik’s cube
  • Squirting water at a target
  • Water, sand, bean or bead sensory box
  • Clapping game (e.g., “Miss Mary Mack” )
  • Drawing or coloring 
  • Building with blocks, legos, etc. 

Research study opportunity
Our partners at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia are recruiting participants for a compensated survey about autism and police. Please consider participating or sharing with others who might be interested!

What have we been reading this week?