Floreo Blog

Watch the video from Floreo's Council of Autism Service Providers presentation

Written by Heather | March 03, 2022

We were thrilled to present information about Floreo to a group from The Council of Autism Providers. We were recently inducted into CASP as a business affiliate via an invitation from current Floreo customer and research partner Kadiant. If you weren't able to attend or aren't currently a CASP member, you can still see the presentation. Click here to watch the video!

Upcoming Events


Our first live events in over two years! See Floreo and meet members of our team at the International Virtual Reality Healthcare Association conference on March 3-4. We will also be at the APBA Conference in New Orleans March 17-19. We would love to hear from you if you are attending either conference and would like to set up time to meet!

Grant update

Attention Schools and Districts in Texas: All Texas local education agencies are eligible to apply for grant funding to increase their capacity to implement innovative programs that effectively serve students with autism ages three through 21. It is a great time to implement Floreo in your district, school, or regional center with the help of this grant! Let us know how we can help support your efforts to secure funding through this grant.

Educators in other states: Our friends at RobotLab compiled a great list of grant opportunities to help you to creatively fund a Floreo subscription. You can use their helpful tool to search for grants by state. As always, if we can help you with wording for a grant opportunity you have identified, please let us know!

Medicaid update

Attention New York families and organizations: Floreo is an approved CFS Vendor for the OPWDD Self Directed Services Waiver. Our service provides training to increase independence, health and safety and promote opportunities to build community living and independence skills. If you are interested in using your OPWDD benefits to fund your Floreo subscription, please email us at info@floreotech.com.

If you are located in Maryland, Wisconsin, or Washington DC, please reach out to us about other Medicaid-based Floreo solutions in your area.

Virtual Series

Author, Floreo advisor and our Lead Self Advocate, Sam Farmer, announced  a series of six virtual presentations which "are geared towards providing ideas and insights as to how autistic and neurodiverse individuals may be able to carve out better lives for themselves." Hosted by the Northeast Arc in MA, we hope you are able to join for one or more event!

Regarding Masking and Sense of Self (3/9 from 6:30-8:00 ET)
This workshop will discuss what "masking" is, the circumstances under which it is likely to be used, why it can be detrimental to one's sense of self and how to keep it from undermining sense of self. Register here.
An Autistic Perspective as a Son (3/23 from 6:30-8:00 ET)
This workshop will discuss all of the things my parents did right while raising me and how their parental decisions ended up positioning me for future happiness and success. Register here.

Research study opportunity
Our partners at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia are recruiting participants for a compensated survey about autism and police. Please consider participating or sharing with others who might be interested!

What have we been reading this week?