
My son has been diagnosed with high functioning autism, anxiety, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, and ODD. I have been working on social, sensory and anxiety skills with him since the age of four. He is now nine years old. When I would take him to social skills class, he would have a meltdown, and I couldn’t even get him out of the house to even go to social skills class. When he was there, he didn’t like it because it was more classroom driven and his focus wasn’t there(even though I knew he was benefiting from it). It became too much of a struggle to get him to go, so I ended up taking him out of the class.Additionally, once a week to learn, and practice, the skills that he was taught was not enough.


Since I’ve learned about Floreo, the short lessons are amazing! It gets to the point and entertains him, while he’s learning. The video aspect of it with the virtual reality helps it make it real so he’s open to learning it and being involved with it.


As a parent, I love how I get to see his progress and see what he’s doing “in the moment”. I think it’s excellent how I am able to synergize with his babysitter, and when school starts and he goes to special-needs class, I can just bring this along and they can continue this with him.


As a parent, who has always struggled with her son with anxiety, SPD, autism, and ADHD, it can almost be impossible for him to learn all the skills he needs to… Willingly. Floreo allows the parent and instructors to be in communication with each other, and on the same page, and the interactive aspect for my son allows him to accept the program and engage in it. I cannot wait to see his growth by the end of the summer. Thank you, Floreo, as this is some thing that I wish I knew about when my son was younger. It would’ve saved many headaches, feeling better communication with the village that is trying to help him, and most importantly this can be done daily, which is more effective than a weekly or monthly meeting on how to work on the social skills.

Krystal K.