
For Families

Support growth and improvement that extends beyond the session

Learning doesn't have to stop when school or therapy ends. Floreo uses virtual reality to teach an array of social, communication, behavioral and life skills allowing neurodivergent Learners of all ages to practice and learn new skills no matter where they are. With Floreo's innovative approach to developing and practicing new skills, family members can feel empowered to play an active role in their child's development outside of school and therapy.
Floreo for Families Hero Image

Learning in a safe place, and at their own pace.

Neurodiverse Learners and their families can take their time to work on difficult-to-teach skills like emotional regulation, interacting with peers, and more. Learners are presented with a safe place to practice and their families can follow along in co-pilot mode, providing encouragement and guidance throughout the experience.

 When using a Meta Quest headset children under the age of 13 may not register or create accounts through our Services, or otherwise provide us with personal information. If you learn that a child has provided us with personal information in violation of this Privacy Policy, you may alert us at privacy@floreovr.com.
Our clinical team has just begun to use Floreo and have been impressed at how much the community vignettes engage them, give them practice and promote discussion of real issues in their lives.
Catherine Lord
Professor of Human Development and Psychology George Tarjan Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
With Floreo, our child learned various communication skills that are applicable not only to the school environment but also to extracurricular activities. The positive effects of Floreo on children and adults are beyond...
Rosine B.
Using the Floreo VR software with my student during his counseling sessions has given us the opportunity to discuss topics that otherwise might be challenging to target. For example, what to do when you are approached...
Tracy H.
I’m looking forward to diving into the social interaction lessons to see how he does. He caught on so fast it was amazing.
Bruce B.
What I loved about the program was seeing how well our student was able to listen to the directions of the "people" inside the VR scenario as well as the peer models guiding her. This particular student struggles with...
Kristen G.
Special Education Teacher
An absolute wonderful device that we are utilizing in our practice. Virtual reality intervention helping the expansion of social skills, eye contact, focus/attention, and so much more. I have worked with many parents...
Rachelle Valenzuela
One of my students sat for a 20-minute session of Floreo yesterday. When we were finished, I went to help him remove the headset and he reached up and pulled it back down. He wanted more! He likes the, "finding the...
Jodie Mellos
ASD Specialist
We rolled out Floreo this past year at A Step Up Academy with 4 of our students and they thrived! Something we learned as a school this past year during our virtual and hybrid learning due to the Covid-19 Pandemic was...
Jillian W.
BCBA, Director of Clinical Programming

Therapy that’s fun–and effective.

Floreo introduces a new and fun world of experiences that can happen from anywhere. Neurodiverse Learners can continue to work on their skills outside the therapeutic setting or classroom and with an added layer of reinforcement and support.

An accessible technology and therapy modality designed to support neurodiverse individuals of any age

Floreo Build confidence@2x
Builds confidence for neurodiverse Learners of any age 
Floreo Affordable@2x
Affordable, accessible therapy that’s flexible to family needs
Floreo Innovative Tech@2x
An evidence-based virtual reality solution for families using Floreo at home as a supplemental to therapy, or own their own
Floreo Functioning Skills@2x
Designed to teach important executive functioning skills in a engaging way
Floreo Immersive VR@2x
Immersive VR experiences that foster engagement and improvement in skills
Floreo Expert designed lessons@2x
Offers hundreds of lessons that can be used to create an immersive learning experience and enhance growth

Floreo Partners

Honored partners with industry-leading research and behavioral health organizations.
Floreo Partners Kadiant@2x
Floreo Partners Irabina@2x
Floreo Partners Southcentral Foundation@2x
Floreo Partners Sagamok Anishnawbek@2x
Floreo Partners Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia@2x
Floreo Partners Kadiant@2x
Floreo Partners Irabina@2x
Floreo Partners Southcentral Foundation@2x
Floreo Partners Sagamok Anishnawbek@2x
Floreo Partners Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia@2x
Floreo World@2x

A world of learning awaits.

Join the growing group of families using Floreo independently and with their care teams to engage Learners with a custom immersive experience that supports learning at home and in the traditional care setting.