
For Providers

Research-based FDA breakthrough designated VR therapy device with real world results.

Floreo provides organizations of all sizes and multi-location practices with an innovative therapy modality that helps neurodivergent individuals develop and improve a broad range of meaningful skills. Immersive, research-based VR lessons enable therapists to provide customized, flexible treatment options to best support their clients and Learners to practice complex skills safely and flexibly at their own pace.
Floreo For Providers Hero Image
Our clinical team has just begun to use Floreo and have been impressed at how much the community vignettes engage them, give them practice and promote discussion of real issues in their lives.
Catherine Lord
Professor of Human Development and Psychology George Tarjan Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
With Floreo, our child learned various communication skills that are applicable not only to the school environment but also to extracurricular activities. The positive effects of Floreo on children and adults are beyond...
Rosine B.
Using the Floreo VR software with my student during his counseling sessions has given us the opportunity to discuss topics that otherwise might be challenging to target. For example, what to do when you are approached...
Tracy H.
I’m looking forward to diving into the social interaction lessons to see how he does. He caught on so fast it was amazing.
Bruce B.
What I loved about the program was seeing how well our student was able to listen to the directions of the "people" inside the VR scenario as well as the peer models guiding her. This particular student struggles with...
Kristen G.
Special Education Teacher
An absolute wonderful device that we are utilizing in our practice. Virtual reality intervention helping the expansion of social skills, eye contact, focus/attention, and so much more. I have worked with many parents...
Rachelle Valenzuela
One of my students sat for a 20-minute session of Floreo yesterday. When we were finished, I went to help him remove the headset and he reached up and pulled it back down. He wanted more! He likes the, "finding the...
Jodie Mellos
ASD Specialist
We rolled out Floreo this past year at A Step Up Academy with 4 of our students and they thrived! Something we learned as a school this past year during our virtual and hybrid learning due to the Covid-19 Pandemic was...
Jillian W.
BCBA, Director of Clinical Programming

Telehealth-ready. Remote-learning friendly.

Using evidence based strategies, Floreo is a therapy tool that enables the development of important communication, social, emotional, and life skills. In-person or via Teletherapy, Floreo’s growing library of clinician-designed lessons gives providers an immersive world of engaging learning that can be customized to best serve individual client goals.

FDA breakthrough device designation and TAP acceptance

Floreo has received the Food and Drug Administration’s breakthrough device designation and has been accepted into the newer Total Product Life Cycle Advisory Program (TAP).

While the breakthrough device designation helps streamline the process for medical device premarket approval, the TAP Program offers insights and resources to assist with the path to commercialization.

Floreo Partners

Selected partnerships with industry-leading research and behavioral health organizations.
Floreo Partners Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia@2x
Floreo Partners WVU
Floreo Partners Cortica
Floreo Partners Trumpet
Floreo Partners NIH
Floreo Partners VIA

Immersive learning experiences that grow confidence and ability.

Floreo’s virtual reality experiences are based on established research and evidence-backed techniques and designed to be an engaging learning space to practice important skills. 

Neurodiverse Learners of any age or ability can use Floreo to practice activities — like crossing a street safely or or navigating the grocery store — in a safe environment many times and with more guidance than they would be able to in real settings.

Floreo is an accessible technology and effective therapy modality designed to support providers and client goals.

Floreo Tools@2x
Support clients with a more robust and diverse range of tools built to improve skills
Floreo Engage learning@2x
Help build confidence and engage learning and growth for clients of any age and skill level
Floreo Innovative Tech@2x
An evidence-based innovative technology solution for in-person and Teletherapy
Floreo Functioning Skills@2x
Designed to teach important executive functioning skills in an immersive way.
Floreo Fun and accessible@2x
Approachable solution that makes quality therapy more fun and accessible
Floreo Expert designed lessons@2x
Hundreds of clinician-designed lessons to personalize treatment, engage Learners, and enhance growth
Floreo Open doors@2x

Open more doors for growth & improvement.

Join the growing therapy teams who are coming together to support learning in and out of the office. Families, therapists, and educators can use Floreo to work together to individualize the approach, make progress, and celebrate growth.