Floreo Police Safety Learning Module

Floreo Breathing Train Learning Module

Floreo Street Crossing Learning Module
Floreo’s Director of Therapy Content, Rita Solórzano, MA CCC-SLP, is a Speech Language Pathologist with over 30 years of experience. In addition to working with other members of the Floreo team to design and produce the 150+ lessons in our current library, Rita also is an amazing resource with tons of creative ideas. She recently spent some time thinking about ways to use Floreo lessons in new ways.
Can your Learner answer the question, “What are you doing?” Floreo introduces this question many times in the Police Encounter lessons. You can imagine in a real police encounter, a well-structured response to this question could settle down a tense encounter, whereas an insufficient answer could result in a dangerous escalation of the situation.
One of the great things about VR is that you can transport your Learner to various locations in a matter of moments. If you are looking to help your Learner gain proficiency with this type of question, try going to different locations inside the various Learning Cards and ask, “What are you doing?” Answers may sound like this: I am on Safari with some animals; I am watching a train go around a track; I am standing waiting to cross the street; I am entering a school cafeteria; and, so on. You can get a lot of practice in a short amount of time through the magic of VR!
Then, work on generalizing the skill when outside of VR by asking your Learner this question at various times throughout the day. Those answers may sound like this: I’m playing a video game; I’m setting the table; I am coming back from a walk; and so on. When your Learner is ready for it, be sure to vary the language of your question to promote resiliency. That is, instead of asking “What are you doing?”, ask, “What are you up to?”, “What’s going on?”, or “Are you in the middle of something?”, etc. You can also go back to the Police Encounter scenes in Floreo and notice changes in the Learner’s responses to the officer’s question.
Check out the “hidden opportunities” document on our Resources page for more ideas for using our lessons outside of their designed objectives.