We released two fantastic new lessons! Kicking off our Life Skills Academy series is Food Storage and Safety, designed to equip learners with essential real-world skills for greater independence, confidence, and safety.
We also released Teen Talk: Social Squares 2. Play a game of social bingo with our newest aged-up characters, including brand new character, Nicki. Learn more from our Director of Therapy Content, Marsha Stepensky MS.Ed, BCBA, by clicking the video below!
Not using Floreo yet? Don't miss out on these amazing lessons and more! Reply to this email to connect with our team and get started today!
Community Question
Have you used Floreo with ASL speakers? We heard from an educator in Tennessee and we want to hear your opinion: "One of our teachers asked about how to best use Floreo with one of our students who uses ASL. My recommendation was to put a separate student in the headset and screen cast the program onto a smartboard. This way the ASL interpreter can sign the instructions and also know the student's response to prompts.
Has anyone found a way that is better to allow ASL learners to engage in verbal lessons?"
We would love to hear from you if you have any tips! Your insights and creativity help the entire Floreo community!

We want to know...
We all have that one character who leaves a lasting impression and brightens our day. For Floreo's Director of Customer Success, Heather Manning, that character is Alejandro! She shared: "Alejandro's enthusiasm and zest always make me smile. He is so much fun to interact with, and he never fails to lift my spirits!"
Now, we want to hear from you! Who is your favorite Floreo character, and why? Reply and let us know: we just might feature your response in an upcoming newsletter!
Upcoming Events
Let us know if you are attending an upcoming event. We would love to connect with you!
- CalABA in Pasadena, CA February 28 - March 1, 2025
- CEC 2025 Convention & Expo in Baltimore, MD March 12-15, 2025
- Autism Investor Summit in Beverly Hills, CA April 7-9, 2025
- CASP in San Francisco, CA May 5-6, 2025 (Booth 10)
Using Floreo in your clinic, school, or home
Floreo's Director of Applied Digital Therapy, Rita Solórzano MA, CCC-SLP, is a Speech Language Pathologist with over 30 years of experience.
If you haven’t seen it yet, we recently released a lesson on Food Storage and Safety. This lesson is the first to feature Floreo's new kitchen environment. The Learner is asked to select a place in the kitchen (either the cabinet, a bowl on the kitchen table, the fridge or the freezer) to store specific food items that emerge from a grocery bag. Click below for ideas for pre-teaching, generalization, and extension activities!
What have we been reading this week?
- Neurodiversity affirming assessments for autism and ADHD
- Autism diagnoses in adult women are on the rise, experts explain why